Ebook Télécharger The Boy Who Could Change the World, by Aaron Swartz

Ebook Télécharger The Boy Who Could Change the World, by Aaron Swartz

En outre, cette publication est en outre composé par l'un des écrivains les plus importants du pays. Donc, quand vous appréciez l'auteur tant, il finira certainement les collections des œuvres littéraires. Pourtant, quand vous n'êtes pas très adepte de l'écrivain, vous pouvez toujours l'amour The Boy Who Could Change The World, By Aaron Swartz parce que vous comprendrez certainement comment l'auteur dit le contenu aux téléspectateurs et aussi la culture. Vous pouvez faire gérer cette publication comme l'une des informations visées à vous faire gagner se sentent vraiment apprécié tant avec cette publication.

The Boy Who Could Change the World, by Aaron Swartz

The Boy Who Could Change the World, by Aaron Swartz

The Boy Who Could Change the World, by Aaron Swartz

Ebook Télécharger The Boy Who Could Change the World, by Aaron Swartz

The Boy Who Could Change The World, By Aaron Swartz . Il est le moment d'améliorer ainsi que revitaliser votre capacité, la compréhension et l' expérience aussi consister en une espèce de divertissement à domicile pour vous après une longue période de temps avec des points monotones. Travailler au bureau, va examiner, ramasser de l' examen et pourraient également être complété des tâches encore plus et vous devez commencer de nouvelles choses. Si vous vous sentez vraiment si fatigué, pourquoi ne pas vous essayez chose flambant neuf? Une chose extrêmement facile? La lecture The Boy Who Could Change The World, By Aaron Swartz est exactement ce que vous offre notre entreprise saura certainement. Ainsi qu'un guide avec le titre The Boy Who Could Change The World, By Aaron Swartz est la recommandation actuellement.

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The Boy Who Could Change the World, by Aaron Swartz

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 360 pages

Editeur : The New Press (26 novembre 2015)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 162097066X

ISBN-13: 978-1620970669

Dimensions du produit:

14 x 2,5 x 20,3 cm

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I cannot read without weeping about the loss of this articulate young man, one of our best young thinkers, devoted to improving the lives of others.It's no wonder that many choose to remain anonymous.

To say, "The Boy Who Could Change the World" is a fascinating book is an understatement. Aaron Swartz reminds me of my brother Michael. Around 1985 I had a discussion with Michael about the Berlin Wall. Michael said, "you'll see, it'll come down." To which I replied, "Never! You forget, I visited Berlin in 1980, I crossed Checkpoint Charlie. I got poked into my ribs with a Kalashnikov, when I did not move fast enough by East German guards. That Wall won't come down."As it turned out, Michael was right and I was wrong, even though I had been there and seen it.Aaron Swartz's thoughts come from the same idealistic angle. They are challenging our thoughts as we see the world, and what we believe is possible.Sadly, both, Aaron Swartz and my brother are dead. Michael died of MS in 2003. Why do the forward thinkers have to die young and the old establishment stays in place?Swartz' thoughts are provocative (like my brother's), they force us to think about what is and might be possible.When I began reading, right away - I cringed. Aaron Swartz writes,"... Downloading may be illegal. But 60 million used Napster and only million voted for Bush or Gore. We live in a democracy. If the people want to share files then the law should be changed to let them...."Ouch! I write books. What about if "the people" want to download my books for free?Aaron Swartz has an answer for that,"... And there is a fair way to change it. A Harvard professor found that $60/yr for broadband users would make up for all lost revenue. The government would give it to the affected artists and, in return, make downloading legal, sparking easier-to-use systems and more shared music. The artists get more money and you get more music. What's unethical about that?"Swartz also addresses the book issue too and copyright issues.The interesting thing is that while on one hand I oppose Swartz's thoughts (in which he agrees with Jefferson) "by their very nature, ideas cannot be property.... The government has no duty to make laws about them..."I do agree with his third point, "... The laws we make aren't all that successful..."For me it comes down to that yes, we have the laws, and yes, in theory we are protected.... then again(quoting from one of Swartz favorite sites/concepts wikipedia) "... Microsoft Corp v Commission (2007) T-201/04 is a case brought by the European Commission of the European Union (EU) against Microsoft for abuse of its dominant position in the market (according to competition law). It started as a complaint from Sun Microsystems over Microsoft's licensing practices in 1993...... In 1993, Novell claimed that Microsoft was blocking its competitors out of the market through anti-competitive practices..."Which basically means, that, copyright laws existing - yes or no - huge corporations strong muscle others, especially the software industry offers stories no end in sight about little companies that got bought out cheaply, strong muscled or tricked.Probably one of the most interesting chapters in this book is "How We Stopped SOPA." Considering the way politics is going the effects of this amazing effort may be more important than ever."The Boy Who Could Change the World" is highly recommended. Like me you won't agree with everything you read but it'll make you think and wonder what is important or not.Knowing how Aaran Swartz' life came to a tragic end, I could not help but being reminded of Galileo Galilei's life. Was Swartz today's Galileo Galilei... crushing our concept of how this world functions... or should function?Gisela Hausmann, author and blogger

Awesome book...a tragic story about a true internet icon.

Don't buy.

I thought I would enjoy this more than I actually did. Great introduction to Swartz's thinking, much of which I find compelling, but I lost interest and ended up putting it down without reading cover-to-cover. It is a good book to skip around in and read those sections whose subjects are of a personal interest.

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